Get peace of mind by knowing your building envelope materials are compatible at critical tie-in junctions. NVELOP’s single-source tie-in warranty options provide confidence and help reduce liability for architects, contractors, and building owners.
Choose a Warranty
NVELOP Warranty
Material warranty covering air or water leakage caused by manufacturing defects or chemical incompatibility for five years. Provided at no additional cost.
See Sample WarrantyNVELOPlus Warranty
Material warranty covering air or water leakage cause by manufacturing defects or chemical incompatibility up to 15 years. $500 flat fee.
See Sample WarrantyNVELOP Warranty Prerequisites
Multiple CCM systems must be used
Compatible Carlisle Construction Materials roof, wall and below grade systems must be used.
CCM systems joined with an NVELOP tie-in
A minimum of two approved Carlisle Construction Materials roof, wall or below grade systems must be joined with an approved NVELOP tie-in.
Meet CCM system warranty requirements
Individual roof, wall and below grade system warranty requirements must first be met to qualify for your NVELOP tie-in warranty.
Payment received for CCM system warranties
Carlisle Construction Materials roof, wall and below-grade system warranties must be paid and received to qualify and apply for your NVELOP tie-in warranty.
Get Your NVELOP Warranty
Fill out this online form to request the NVELOP Warranty that's right for you.
Apply For Your WarrantyGet Our Warranty Sell Sheet
Everything you need to know about NVELOP Warranties in one helpful document.
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